Emerald Harvest - Sturdy Stalk
How Sturdy Stalk Works
Sturdy Stalk works by toughening up the walls of individual plant cells. This gives a greater level of mechanical strength to the plant as a whole. Think of the cells as being like the brickwork in a structure, and the cell walls as being like the cement. Stronger cement naturally paves the way for a greater level of structural integrity. This creates plants that are better able to support the weight of extremely heavy fruits and less reliant on outside support nets, etc.
The structure-enhancing properties of Sturdy Stalk also work against pests and diseases – insects find it much harder to penetrate leaf matter and plants develop a resilience to ongoing threats from pathogenic bacteria and fungi, aswell as negative changes in the environment.
Silicon also heightens chlorophyll levels within the plant. Chlorophyll is vital to photosynthesis - the process where light energy is used to take CO2 from the surrounding atmosphere and split it down into its component parts of carbon and oxygen. The carbon is used to manufacture vital sugars and the oxygen is then released as a by-product. By improving photosynthesis rates, plant growth can be sped up dramatically, so you can reasonibly expect to see improvements in the quality and size of the end-product. Silicon also helps plants regulate water-loss.